End of the year

OK – so one New Year’s resolution is going to have to be to write this Blog more frequently!

Since the last entry in June, the wargaming front has been a bit quiet – so another resolution must be to PLAY MORE GAMES!

Back in August, I helped run a DBA tournament at the BHGS Britcon event in Manchester.  I put the fact that I came bottom down to me organising, umpiring and playing – a bit of a stretch on the multi-tasking front.


The nest event I attended was a battleday with the Peter Pig Square Bashing rules in Daventry and organised by Simon Clarke.  Although I bought the rules a few years ago, I had never played them apart from the participation game at York when I was seduced into buying them.  Anyway, I am glad I did as I thought this was a brilliant game.

More pictures can be found on the RFCM forum at:


I am already looking forward to the next day in June and I have also asked for (and got) some Christmas 12mm Kallistra Late war Brits and Germans to play the game with.

My old mate and gaming partner Sean has introduced me to Art de la Guerre and that is also a game I will be playing more of.

My son James has been home for Christmas and New Year and so we got some assorted games in.

Firstly, a game of Irregular Wars by Nic Wright.  These are focused on various small actions  in the period of discovery and conquest in the age of discovery in 16th and 17th centuries.  We played an action from the conquest of Siberia with Cossacks against Koryaks – NE Asian headhunters.  Great fun!


More details about Irregular Wars – Conflict at the World’s end here:


Next game up was a chance to get out my long-neglected 15mm Crimean war figures to try out the Neil Thomas Simplicity in Practice rules.  Although vert simple – and in the old school tradition – they gave an entertaining game.  We used a scenario from Neil’s 19th Century Wargaming book – one of my favourite wargaming books.

And finally, a game of Lion Rampant.  We played the fugitive scenario – as it seemed to be over quite quickly with me locating and finding the fugitive before James’ hunters were anywhere close, we continued the game as the Bloodbath Scenario.

On the painting bench right now are a couple of DBA armies – Late Swiss and French Ordonnance in preparation for the Mercian Tournament in February, with the Italian Wars as the theme.   After that i will be getting on with my Kallistra Late WW1 Brits and Germans.

Hopefully there will be less of a gap bef0re the next Blog entry than there was since the last one!